Monday, February 22, 2010

Standing up for your rights....


Good Morning Friends,

today is Monday February 22, 2010

.Nobody reads this blog you know. It is only me and you. So, why do I even bother anyway? Well, I suppose the big consolation prize here is the idea that practice makes perfect. I must say that after doing daily entries and all kinds of other posts that the writing has become easier for me now. The words simply flow more freely. Surely, that is a benefit if no other can be found. Do you agree? Well, even if you don't it does not matter anyway. What I do I do for myself even if no one else is interested. I think that is a key feature of life anyway.

.Think about it friends. We are born into this world and we have no idea why we are here or where we are going. The whole thing is just one big mess with no apparent rationale or direction coming from anyone. Oh, sure there are the parents and the religious leaders to offer some guidance, but what do they really know anyway? They know nothing for sure you can bet on that; they are only speculating and hoping like everyone else. Every body's guess is as good as the next person's and that is just the way things are.

.And, that leads me right back to my argument. Friends, we are alone in this world. So, my philosophy at this point in my life would be to make the best of a situation as I have come to understand it. Looking on the bright side of things it just might a good thing to operate independently in this world. It just might be the best kind of training that you will ever have. I mean, just think about it. The whole world is just one big interconnected affair, composed of a whole variety of economic and social interdependencies. You and I are just clogs in a wheel; we are interconnected to the rest of the world in one way or another. But, are you benefiting from such an arrangement? Are you doing the best that you can do and is society doing what it can to provide you with all of your needs and treating you fairly? Well, if the answer is no fear not. You can always fall back on your personal independence, that thing that you were born with. This is your greatest tool for survival. You need to know that you can survive - and thrive - independently of all of the other opinions and circumstances around you. You don't have to be a sheep and you don't have to be a crowd follower if it is not benefiting you in any substantial way. Be yourself and express yourself with all of the individuality that you can muster up. The benefits of such an approach will amaze you. You might not become rich and famous, but you will most definitely feel better about yourself and your station in life.

.Just know that you were born alone and uncertainty was thrust upon you. There are no fixed rules to the game of life and nobody has all of the answers. So, take that idea to the bank and let everyone know that your ideas are just as good as anyone else's. You don't have to be a follower and you don't have to let people call you a loser or any other name that comes your way. You don't have to play the game if it is rigged or if you are coming up short for whatever reason. You don't have to play by the rules if they are not fair and if you cannot win. Rules were made to be broken so don't be afraid to break them if they are unfair or illegal - unfair or illegal by your understanding of things. Your opinion counts so don't forget that. You are as human and worthy as the next guy so don't let them tell you any different. Your individuality is your freedom, so use it. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
