Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We do it for the women....

Good Morning Friends,
today is Wednesday February 10, 2010
It was another pretty, sunny day friends and I struck out with the unit once again - top down of course. I ended up at my friends house in Burnaby after all was said and done. We certainly cannot complain about this current bout of great weather that we are having that is for sure. Oh, I suppose you could complain a bit if you were an Olympic organizer but that would be about the extent of it.
What do you think of my car friends? Well, I am glad I bought the car that is for sure. It is a pleasure to own and to drive. I get many compliments you know on how pretty it is - and all of the time too. So, as you can see I am very glad I bought it and it provides me with a great deal of pleasure. But, you know, it is also a sexual thing too when you think about it. I mean, let's get real. You have read my writing and you should know my thoughts on these matters by now. None of us does anything that will not benefit us in one way or another. We are all interested in the opposite sex as far as I know and many of us are interested in attracting our opposites, for whatever reason. It is just something that we do as human beings and it is perfectly normal behavior. We all like to be noticed and we all like to interact with the opposite sex. I know that I enjoy and engage in harmless flirting and that kind of thing all the time. I am sure that most of you do too.
But, you know what? There is a dark side to our culture as well, if you are a male who is ending up with the short end of the stick that is. I am sure many of the males have experienced this thing that I am talking about. No, I don't mean all males, but maybe a good portion of them. I read an article yesterday by Henry Makow, Phd. He is on my Media Smorgasbord list on the main part of my bog Carl Baydala Wants You To Know.... if you are interested in him and his work. He is a Canadian and he has interests that are similar to mine. He talks about religions, Zionism, the Illuminati and all manner of things that would excite just about any mind. And, he writes some decent stuff on women too and how they treat men. His past articles talk about how women take guys to the cleaners, either in the marriage relationship or after, like gaining from divorce proceeding and the like. Women have a lot of power in our culture and that is something that I have known for a long time. And, that is fine, because they are women and they are blessed with physical attributes. But, let us not diminish our Western women in one fell swoop for that would not be a totally fair thing to do. However, in his latest article he writes things which I found fascinating, and maybe even true. Some men who are frustrated by their relationships - or non relationships have found a cure to their problems. They left the country and found women from other cultures, and these are women who act like women and treat a guy with respect and who seemingly love them for what they are. Maybe this is the answer for all of those Western men who are having a bad time of things. While you read this article and the little stories by men contained within it think about the reasons why this is happening. That is what I did let me assure you. Our culture produces these conditions and nothing else does. We do not live in a vacuum. So, take a look at this article and think about what is going on here: