Tuesday, February 23, 2010

On the importance of perfection....



Good Morning Friends,


today is Tuesday February 23, 2010


I want to repeat what I said yesterday friends: nobody reads this blog. That means that I am basically free to say what I want to say, and in the process, practice my writing skills as well. If that is what freedom means in Canada then I might as well take advantage of that opportunity. I trust everyone agrees with my assessment of things and realizes in the process of course, that this is what we do as humans anyway, namely take advantage of things. And, some of us of course are more adept at this skill than others as I am sure you all have discovered by now.


I just finished watching, for I don't how many times now, a debate between McGrath and Dawkins. I am fascinated by this debate because it just shows the total inadequacy of the Christian faith. McGrath, the former atheist, now turned Christian, simply proves to us how desperate this religion has become. He has answers for none of the questions that Dawkins throws at him and just keeps falling on his crutch of faith for support. It is a truly pathetic performance. Now, normally one would feel sorry for an underdog and side with him. I think that is a pretty basic human characteristic actually, that we can sympathize with those who are in trouble, for example. But, that sentiment is not to be found here, well certainly, you will not find it in me at any rate. McGrath to me is the philosophical enemy and he deserves all of the verbal punishment that is meted out by the more than capable Dawkins. All Dawkins has to do is use common sense and rely on the scientific method and rational discourse to pound the weak McGrath into the ground. I repeat, I felt no mercy for the stumbling and fumbling McGrath. If he is the representative of religion and Christianity then I can easily see how secularism has triumphed in this world. There is no other way than truth and understanding in order to build character in a man. Secularism proves its metal beyond a shadow of a doubt. You can watch the video below:



In a round about way friends I am trying to lead you into my true thoughts this morning. And, those thoughts are about " perfection. " Perfection for me is something that our culture truly values. Even the leaders of religion benefit from this value when you think about. The religionists in spite of their poor philosophy do have a following. I would call them sheep and the disillusioned ones of course, but that matters not. The masters of the sheep are the ones who profess knowledge and perfection; perfection in knowing and understanding. I am not saying that the religious leaders are right, I am only saying that they are capitalizing on our need and desire for perfection. So, more power to them if they can keep on convincing the large body of people who still believe in God and the like. My point is of course, that we all appreciate someone who professes knowledge, knowledge about - anything - that most of us do not know something about as a matter of course, either because we are ignorant or not smart enough to acquire the knowledge that the perfectionists themselves inform us that they have acquired. We like experts and they do in fact become our heroes.


So, why does this happen in our society anyway? Well, I suppose the simple answer is the inherent weakness found in man. Oh, I don't mean physical weakness, but perhaps an intellectual weakness if you will. We are lacking in knowledge until we discover it, or until someone discovers it for us. That is why our great scientists are held with such high esteem, or a great philosopher, or even and - dare I say - a great religious leader. So, there it is friends. We simply appreciate people who are in the know, or who are " seemingly " in the know at any rate. And, I think it all boils down to our value for perfection. Perfection represents something that we would all like to attain and that is why we glorify those who we think have attained some kind of perfection in their lives. But, the real on the ground message for us friends is to know that is important to try to be good at something - anything. You may all have heard of the expresssion a " Jack of all trades and a master at none. " Well, I think that is where this expression comes from. We all appreciate something or someone who professes unique knowledge or who is capable of performing a skill that is useful or that we cannot perform ourselves, but that we would like to be able to perform or understand. And, that is the common sense aspect of what I am trying to depart to you today as well. Be good at what you do no matter what it is. Not only will you derive a personal satisfaction via the endeavour, but you might even become so good at your skill that you will be sought after. You will be worth more. Now, what could be better than that if you are a human being looking for recognition? Well, I say nothing at all so just be the best that you can be and I believe that you will be rewarded handsomely in one way or another. Don't forget: people can identify quality when they see it and they seek it out. People, being the selfish creatures that they are know that allying themselves with perfection understand that they will derive some kind of benefit from that process or situation or thing. You can take that the bank. And, that is what the religionists in our society have certainly accomplished. They purport to have a knowledge and a relationship with a Supreme Being and they capitalize on that idea. I trust, that in my own way, I have imparted to you the idea that it is a good thing to be perfect and to surround yourself with things that relay the idea of perfection. Perfection yields results in many ways and you can count on that.


Finally, it was another gorgeous day yesterday friends and I got out and about with unit. You know, I am starting to lose track of the number of days that I have had the top down on the car this year. I think it was number five yesterday, but whose counting when you are having fun eh? Talk to you all later and have a nice day. Remember, it is only you and me reading these things so we can say whatever we want. Right?

