Monday, November 30, 2009

Saying goodbye to November on a Monday....



Good Morning Friends,



today is Monday November 30, 2009


Vancouver, B.C. Webcams


.On the job today friends for the last day of the month. Maybe it will busy and then again, maybe it won't. Who knows for sure anyway? Not me, I can tell you that much. It doesn't matter anyway because I have no control over these kinds of things.


It is supposed to be sunny out starting tomorrow and then again on Wednesday. That will be fun, for the beginning of December, I mean. Sunny weather, like I said just the other day, makes everybody happy around here and that is not a bad thing at all.


Well, it looks like I have one friend left in the world and that is also a good thing. Got a Christmas card in the mail from one of my last remaining friends. Yes, these things still exist for me so all is not lost. I wonder how many people still send out cards for the Holidays?


Had a dream this morning and it was related to a real life incident. Nothing sexual so don't get excited. It was about an administrative mistake that snowballed into a greater problem. I am not going to tell you about the event, only the fact that is related to a real and current problem that I am dealing with. Funny how dreams can pick up on something like that and bring them to life for you. And, here I thought all of the time that dreams were just the stuff of fantasy. Well, not so. But, the dream did manage to add a bit of creativity to the whole thing of course, just to make it a little more dramatic. So, that was a nice touch indeed. Thank you dream gods.


Like I said friends I have no idea whatsoever what the day will bring for me. It is a Monday and these, traditionally, are not my favourite days at all. But, it is the end of the month as I say, so maybe that will act as a catalyst for some excitement. We shall see what we shall see.
