Sunday, November 15, 2009

Keeping you ahead of the game...



Above is

Me in the spring of '08



Good Morning Friends,


today is Sunday November 15, 2009


Vancouver, B.C. Webcams


This is day two of my four days off. I am doing quite a bit of video watching and also doing some reading. I looked over my Secret Societies videos and focused particularly on Jordan Maxwell and the Illuminati. This is one of my very favourite areas of interest. I have been a conspiracy type for some time now and I find men like Jordan fascinating to listen to. His knowledge of religious and political symbolism is first rate. He senses that there are forces at work which are working against us and he identifies these entities as the Illuminati. He talks about the Catholic Church and the Masons, among others, as the leading candidates behind those who control us. He thinks there is a dynasty of sorts that has been around since the earliest of days. Some of these are banking families as well and have their origins in the Knights Templar, for example. He also talks about the importance of Egypt, astrology, the Planet Saturn, and the pagan origins of religion. Here is a link to one of Jordan's videos. I have watched the link below many times now, even though it is 3 hours long. When you watch this video you can check out the other videos that appear on the screen for more of Jordan's insights.


Jordan Maxwell Exposes The Illuminati


When you watch men like Jordan Maxwell in action you can just feel that our lives are being controlled and manipulated. Most of the wars for example are just wars of convenience for the men behind the scenes. Chaos is the name of the game for these men as these are the conditions under which the Illuminati thrive. Wars and making money and world domination are their ultimate goal. The New World Order as described by various entities of the U.S. Government certainly fit the bill as it relates to world domination. You can watch any number of Jordan's videos and you will see how adept the man is at bringing things into focus for us. He claims that he is not an atheist and I kind of sensed that myself when I listened to him a couple of years ago. He talks about some sort of divinity that controls all, but it is not anything like the Christian god Jehovah or anything like that. In one of his videos he is suggesting that our civilization might even have started on Mars. Maybe the extra-terrestials landed here first. Who knows? He even explains to us that the rabbis of the Jewish faith know that there is no god and that they are just basically conning us with their religion. I have always thought that of course and when I listen to rabbis speak I can tell that they are just rationalists such as myself. Maybe some of them are atheists as well. We know that the leadership in Israel for example are mainly atheists anyway, the Zionists that is. This is not say that there is no Jewish faith because that appears to be the case. But, these people, the believers in the Pentateuch would not agree with the modern day Zionists in Israel.


The recently departed Bush Regime was a very bad government in my opinion and I do not think men like Jordan would disagree with me. The New World Order and wars are certainly part of the picture here and only make us more critical of the secret societies and the men that run them. Jordan, for example, believes that most U.S. presidents are tied to the British royalty of the past in one way or another. In fact, this is another of Jordan's themes along with his proteges as well. The British Empire never really dying is a theme that I have heard before. And, the U.S. is just a useful construction for the Empire and its leaders to use to fulfill their agenda of world domination. And, they destroyed it in a very short time period as well. ( the U.S. now the greatest debtor nation of all time ). I think one can easily put together a case showing that the U.S. and Britain are working together, for example, to achieve a kind of world domination. I have always thought it curious myself that it was Blair and Bush who came out swinging and were pushing for war against Iraq. Why the aggressive posturing? I found that curious and disturbing personally. And, I think that we are all learning now that the invasion was planned and that the war was not based on the reasons given for war. It, as well as Afghanistan, were, and are, wars of aggression. I think Bush and Blair are just following the orders of their masters, whoever they may be.


I am also starting to read one of my favourite books again. And, that is The Essence of Christianity by Ludwig Feuerbach written in 1841. This is a terrific book on the philosophy of the Christian religion and I really enjoy reading this stuff. You get the inside story on Christianity and the philosophy that propels it. God truly is a creation of the human mind and Ludwig lays it all out for us to see. When I stumbled upon this book some years ago now I was truly impressed as the the themes in the book matched mine perfectly. But, this is a book put together by a genuine critic of Christianity so I would definitely recommend it.


Finally got a comment on my play that I just completed. You can read the comment which shows up in part eleven of the play. Glad someone liked it. Maybe there will be more comments forthcoming. We shall see what we shall see. Here are the links to the play:


The Marriage of Carl Baydala

The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 2
The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 3

The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 4
The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 5

The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 6

The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 7

The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 8

The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 9

The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 10

The Marriage of Carl Baydala - Part 11

The weather was really cool and breezy out the last few days and you can take a look at my last couple of posts to see some pictures that I took on the job.


No racing at the Meadowlands yet, but when the schedule comes out I will let you know when opening day is. So, that means if any of my friends and acquaintances are popping into town they will know when the racing is on and they can let me know if they want to go or not. Talk to you later.
