Thursday, November 19, 2009

The road to manhood in 1964 - revisited....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Thursday November 19, 2009
Still pretty slim pickings at work. Don't know what the problem is at all. Funny, how there was quite a burst of activity a few weeks back and now we are back to the rot of non-activity again. I guess it is a sign of the times and there is not much that we can do except ride out the storm of uncertainty and keep a stiff upper lip as it were.
And, speaking of riding out the storm of uncertainty, do you remember the post I did about 1964 when I was a teenager? This was the post when I detailed for you my trip up the coast of northern B.C. in a small gillnetter. I was fifteen years old and my father decided that the time had come for me to become a man. And, the road to get me there would a fishing trip up north as an assistant to a commercial fisherman. This was the time when I crossed the wide open Pacific, and the experience in that small boat, riding the swells, was similar to the feeling that one gets when in a giant roller coaster at an amusement park. The trip was to be an exciting, but disappointing one at the same time. My road to manhood was to be a very choppy one indeed. But, there was a silver lining to the whole thing of course as there seems to be in most parts of my life. You can read about it here:
Anyway, I was looking for a picture for that post and I finally found something which I eventually used for that entry. However, pictured above is a real life gillnetter. I have passed this boat many times in the past, but never really had an opportunity, or even thought about taking time to stop and getting a snap for you. But, I did yesterday and there is the picture in all of its glory. I guess the little boat that I went up north in looked kind of like the picture above. The property where the vessel is sitting is on 16th Avenue, just west of 200th Street in the south of Langely. It is always good to find little gems like these as it certainly makes my job more interesting.
It is still supposed to be rainy and windy so I will be looking forward to that of course. They are calling for snow in the local mountains so that is a good thing for the skiers as you can well imagine. And, I am sure the people up in Whistler are praying that it will be at least a normal winter so that the snowpack will develop and that things will be a success for the Games. It is still early on the game of course, and I wish them well as you might expect. Talk to you all later.