Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Police connection....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Saturday October 3, 2009
Well, time to relax again friends. My three day working stint is over and now I can concentrate on other things. However, I think you will find that there is a constant connection between my work and my other interests as well. Like, for example, take a look at my photo this morning. This is the Abbotsford Police Department. Abbotsford is a city out in the Fraser Valley east of Vancouver. I popped into that building just yesterday to make a pickup for one of our customers. That is when I took this picture. It is kind of a neat building don't you think? I have my Blackberry pager with me at all times during working hours so it was easy for me to take this snap for you.
Actually, the police are rather heavy on my mind this morning as this is Friday October 7, 1983 week so to speak. My 26th anniversary is coming up on Wednesday. This incident has spawned an unusual amount of interest in things connected with police actually. It all started with the song Every Breath You Take by the singing group, The Police. So, the police and things related to police activities seem to be part of this October event. I guess it is all related to authority and keeping the peace and that kind of thing.
Life sure has a strange way of connecting things though when you think about it. Well, maybe not life so much as the individuals who comprise it. Like I said, the police have been part of my life ever since this important October event some 26 years ago. So, I guess that is why I am so attached to things related to the idea of police and what the police represent. I suppose it is that nice warm and cozy feeling of protection and knowing that there are people out there whose job it is to protect us from those that would cause us harm. It is so easy for us to pick up the phone and ask for help. And, we expect them to come immediately to our aid, for whatever reason. So, maybe we should have some sort of police week along with Friday October 7, 1983 week as well. These two things are definitely connected in my mind at least - the police and the singing group The Police. And, that is why when I heard the song below which is just a take off from Every Breath You Take I knew that I was on the right track with my police thoughts. I had become attached to a song which other people thought was important as well, for whatever reason of course. But, the remaining thing for myself and the producers of the following video, and spin off song lyrics, is The Police and how important they remain after the advent of the song in 1983. I like to look at the whole thing as an aspect of fatalism actually. Fatalism really does exist and I think you would agree that my life is a testimony to that reality. Why else would anybody produce a song like this with the corresponding lyrics? If you know me, my history and my interests then you will be able to understand what I am talking about. If you cannot understand me then join the group and stand in line. As you can see entry into my world is pretty much an esoteric occupation. And, that is why my list of friends is a short one, for it is only the few that are able to appreciate me. I guess that is the way I like things, nice and tidy, and manageable. I suspect that is the real definition of friendship; it is a close relationship.
