Monday, March 8, 2010

There is always a way to survive....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Monday March 8, 2010
Just kind of mellowing out this morning friends and thinking about world events and things like that. The usual stuff if you know what I mean. And, just because I am thinking about the big issues doesn't necessarily mean that I am going to talk about them though.
I didn't even go outside day yesterday since I had nothing to accomplish in the outside world anyway. Actually, I am quite well trained now at not having to go out into the world and deal with people and whatever else it is that I would have to contend with. When you think about it I would do quite well if I was stranded on a desert island or otherwise similarly disconnected from society. Society is nice I mean don't get me wrong. It is fun visiting society and mingling with all of the other human beings and analyzing them and that kind of thing. There are lots of good looking humans too. I guess when I walk about in society it is kind of like being in a zoo and being right up close and interacting with the creatures. That is what society is you know - it is just a bunch of animals working together. It is nothing more than that. So, don't let those crazy Christians and other religious types tell you different. We are animals plain and simple.
I do have a project that I have to do today so that means that I will have to venture out into the world. It will not be car day though so I will not be looking forward to cruising about in the sunshine. Nope. This is strictly a business kind of a trip. Might get some shopping done as well. We shall see what we shall see once we are on the road and accomplishing things. I am going to sign off now friends since I don't really have much to say as you can plainly see. I am going to check the financial and other news right now so that I can keep abreast of the situation. The internet is a great invention and I love it. But, the mainstream media guys and their pals do not. And, that makes me kind of happy if you know anything about my personality. So, what do you think I would be doing on that island that I would be stranded on, if there were no other animals around? No people whatsoever. What would I do and what would my focus be? Do you think that I would make the ants out to be my enemy? I mean, just think about it. They might the only organized group around and the ones most worthy of my criticism. I couldn't really be friends with them could I? I wouldn't be able to talk to them or mingle with them so I guess we would just be enemies. They would be doing their thing and I would be doing mine. But, I would have a focus wouldn't I? Yes, and that is most likely the thing that would allow me to survive in one psychological piece. Or maybe, just maybe a creature would land on my island and be my friend. Perhaps a nice looking fellow like that seagull above. I bet you we could be friends - and good ones too.