Friday, December 18, 2009

How the greedy bankers stole my Christmas candies....


Good Morning Friends,
today is Friday December 18, 2009
Last day on the job friends and then a couple of days to relax. It is a little busier than normal as I have already told you in some previous posts. So, that is a good thing of course. It seems to be a fairly normal Christmas rush as far as Christmas rushes go I suppose. But, there is one notable difference this year and I must tell you about that right now.
Friends, it is with a great deal of sorrow that I report this to you now. I am not getting any Christmas candies or gifts from the customers this year. Oh, I am not really expecting to get presents of course, but the odd one does come my way. The real disappointment this year is the lack of candies. That's right, candies. Candies sitting on the counters when you walk into the offices to make a delivery. Nobody has offered me a candy or a chocolate this year. Why, in past years the counters would be loaded with treats. I could be sampling a chocolate here and a candy there and all manner of pleasant treats. But, not this year. Nothing. My friend got a candy yesterday, but to date I am received absolutely nothing. I mean, sure there are still candy bowls on the counters and in the reception area, but they do not appear to be for the couriers or other visitors. And, most of the candy bowls that I have encountered lately have simply been - empty. I do come across the odd candy bowl filled with treats but they are not accessible, they are usually set aside or off the counter and out of reach. They might be sitting next to the receptionist where she can guard and protect them. Yes, friends, what I am telling you is that the customer is retreating and not offering these treats this year. He is tightening up and he is taking his candies with him.
So, what accounts for this behavior this Christmas season you might be wondering? Well, I would say that is the economic conditions that we find ourselves in. People are handling less money and they are simply recoiling. They are not being as generous as in past years and this is showing up in the candy phenomenon that I am trying to explain to you. And, I think it all goes back to the greedy bankers on Wall Street. That is what I think if you want my opinion on the matter. Yes, that is it, it is the bankers that are making me have an unhappy, candy less Christmas as it were. The bankers have caused my customers to hold out that is what they have done. That is how interconnected we are friends and that is how interwoven our economies really are. The lack of candies is the collateral damage if you will from the financial crisis that struck in late 2007. Yes indeed friends, when people tighten up and feel less rich, well they reveal to us their feelings in many ways. And, one of the ways in which they show their behavior is the example that I am trying to portray to you. People are less generous and it all goes back to the bankers. The bankers who ruined our economy and who have now damaged our Christmas as well. Talk to you all later.